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Anxiety, Panic, Phobias

Effectively manage worry, reduce anxiety, and improve your mood and functioning


Anxiety is a typical part of the human condition.  However, if you find that you have great difficulty managing worries, getting your mind off of stressors, or often envision disastrous outcomes, then you would benefit from the many years of experience I have in treating all forms of anxiety disorders.


In working with me, you will gain insight into the often long standing patterns that result in feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, worry and panic.  


I will support you in learning about what leads up to these feelings of overwhelming anxiety and panic.  I will teach you how to proactively support your body through restorative practices that soothe the nervous system, lead by up to date research and practices.  


I use a thorough, structured form of treatment for panic attacks that over many sessions will decrease the frequency and severity of panic attacks.  The goal for this particular form of treatment is to meaningfully change your experiences with panic.


Exposure work is a vital tool for panic and other concerns related to anxiety.  Similar methods are used for phobias and can be discussed in greater detail during your initial consultation.  Exposure and response prevention is considered the evidence based form of treatment for OCD.


If you are interested in learning more about how I can help with your unique needs consider scheduling a 15 minute consultation.  Email and text are also available for any questions or self schedule an intake here.



See the resources section below for a screening tool for anxiety and additional information on some of the treatment techniques I use.

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Gottman Approved Member